Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A strategic approach to Talent Management

According to Michael Fineman and Jodi Starkman of ORC worldwide, the most important thing a company can do to ensure a continuing supply of well-prepared, well-deployed key players is to create a talent culture: an environment in which finding and nurturing talent is considered an important management function.

Fineman and Starkman identify seven essential elements for building a talent culture. They lay the groundwork for translating business strategy to people strategy, create a common understanding of process and vocabulary, and provide the tools managers need to help them implement a coherent, aggressive talent management plan.

  1. Deep involvement of senior management
  2. Dedication of sufficient time, staff and IT support
  3. Breadth and depth of talent reviews.
  4. Consistency and Structure.
  5. Meaningful Developmental Experiences
  6. Motivation and Retention
  7. Monitoring the TM Program

1 comment:

Chris said...

I agree with you.
I think the management function it's the key for a great bussiness.
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.